20. Januar 2025
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Eight-Member Jury for Karger Publishers’ Fourth Annual
Vesalius Innovation Award Set, Submissions Closing Soon

Applications from early-stage startups in the Health Sciences and Publishing Sectors will be accepted until noon CEST September 3, 2023.

The fourth year of the Vesalius Innovation Award, with a total of $25,000 in prizes to be granted to the top performers, has announced its list of jury members. The winner will receive $15,000, while the two runners-up will be awarded $5,000 each.

The jury members include Gabriella Karger, Chairwoman & Publisher, Karger; Professor Dr. med., Dr.med.h.c. Dan Atar, Professor of Cardiology and Head of Research, Dept. of Medicine, Oslo University Hospital; Jignesh Bhate, Founder & CEO, Molecular Connections; Stephanie Dawson, ScienceOpen CEO; Dr Phill Jones, Co-founder, Digital and Technology, MoreBrains Cooperative; Hylke Koers, Chief Information Officer, STM; Sarah Greaves,Consultant, STEM Consulting Limited; and Miki Olshansky, CEO, Elgan Pharma, Ltd.

“The satisfaction of seeing our ideas take shape and become reality has been my biggest motivation,” says Stephanie Dawson about her role as a jury member. “Each new user, customer or funder is an affirmation of that vision. I am honored to be part of the Vesalius Innovation Award to support start-ups in that process from idea to product.”

This year’s competition will focus on knowledge communication, patient centricity, and artificial intelligence. Early-stage startups in the health sciences are encouraged to submit their award applications via the dedicated website, www.karger.com/via by noon CEST on September 3, 2023.

After the jury’s evaluation, the top five shortlisted startups will be invited to present their ideas at the STM Week in London in December as an excellent opportunity for the contestants to showcase their innovations to a wider audience and gain valuable exposure.

About the Vesalius Innovation Award
The Vesalius Innovation Award has been presented in collaboration with the STM Association since its inception, and the organizers are grateful for the continued support of Gold Sponsor Molecular Connections, new Silver Sponsor Park56, alongside the new partner Silverchair.

The Vesalius Innovation Award, whose name originates from the renaissance rebel and pioneer of modern anatomy Andreas Vesalius, is an excellent opportunity for startups in the Health Sciences and Publishing sectors to gain recognition and support for their innovative ideas. Karger encourages all eligible startups to apply and wishes them the best of luck in the competition.
