16. Januar 2025
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Springer launches new textbook series in mathematics

Collaboration between Springer and two prestigious Russian institutes will allow an international audience to benefit from outstanding educational mathematics material.

A new prestigious mathematics textbook series called Moscow Lectures will be published by Springer Nature starting in May 2018. The series builds on the outstanding mathematics research and education tradition in Moscow, and is the result of a collaboration with two renowned Russian institutions: the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the Skolkovo Institute of Technology. The series is aimed at graduate and undergraduate students as well as lecturers and researchers. Twelve volumes are currently in preparation, and the first volume will be published at the beginning of June 2018.

“The Moscow style of mathematical education is deeply rooted and vigorously developing. Along with traditionally strong institutes like Moscow State University and the Steklov Mathematical Institute, several other mathematical centres have been founded in the past 25 years. The Moscow Lectures series provides a good opportunity to present a wide spectrum of university level mathematics as part of global culture and knowledge,” said Alexey L. Gorodentsev of the Faculty of Mathematics at the Higher School of Economics, and Editor-in-Chief of the Moscow Lectures.

Ten further series editors will work with Gorodentsev on the editorial activities related to the series. The first volume in the series ‘Introduction to the Theory of Schemes’ is based on the lecture notes of Yuri I. Manin which were originally compiled in the 1960s and were the first resource to make this difficult topic understandable for students. Further volumes covering all areas of mathematics translated from Russian or written directly in English will soon be available.

Martin Peters, Executive Editor for mathematics at Springer said: “Moscow Lectures is a fantastic project to bring the extremely high-quality Russian mathematical education to an international audience. We very much look forward to this long-term collaboration with these high-powered Russian institutions.”
