9. März 2025
Aktuelles aus

In der Ausgabe 10-2024/1-2025 (Dez. 2024/Jan. 2025) lesen Sie u.a.:

  • Open Investing in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken
  • Forschungsdaten gemeinsam gestalten: das Stabi Lab in Berlin
  • Die EU-KI-Verordnung: wegweisende Regeln für vertrauenswürdige Künstliche Intelligenz
  • Ein Balanceakt: ethisches Dilemma der KI in der Hochschulbildung
  • Ungenutztes Potenzial oder riskanter Trend? Verdeckte KI-Nutzung in wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen
  • Warum die Indizierung von zurückgezogenen Publikationen zum Problem wird
  • Klassische Medien auf dem Abstellgleis bei Jugendlichen
  • Warum Gen Z kaum noch Bücher liest
  • Zwischen Sichtbarkeit und Bedeutung: die Rolle der digitalen Kuratierung bei OpenScience während der Pandemie
  • USA: Wissenschaftliche Bibliothekare organisieren sich gegen drohende Kürzungen und den Abbau öffentlicher Bildung unter der kommenden Trump-Administration
  • Makerspaces: kreative Lernräume in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken
  • Wie KI antike Texte lesbar macht
  • Fachzeitschriften von Massenrücktritten der Redaktionen betroffen

University of Wisconsin System to Adopt Ex Libris Alma

This statewide system comprising 26 institutions
selected Alma to achieve unified resource management and collaboration

Ex Libris® Group is pleased to announce that the University of Wisconsin System (UW System) libraries have selected the Ex Libris Alma library management solution to complement their Primo® discovery and delivery solution. The consortium’s 26 institutions, which include the University of Wisconsin-Madison—a member of the Association of Research Libraries and the Committee on Institutional Cooperation—will enjoy unified management of all collections across the consortium while providing users with a unified discovery platform.

“Alma’s collaborative network capabilities were an important factor in the UW System’s decision,” commented Susan Mitchell, library program manager. “With our 26 member organizations, each having extremely diverse user communities and requirements, it was important to adopt a library management solution that enables UW to create and refine the consortial relationships between members. In view of our mission to deliver “One System, One Library,” we are excited about adopting Alma and providing all staff members the same exceptional capabilities to manage individual and shared resources and operations.”

The UW System is looking to Alma to provide substantial efficiencies. Mitchell continued: “The ability of Alma to integrate with Primo, our external campus systems, and other third-party systems will help the libraries demonstrate their strategic value to the UW System as a whole. In addition to providing us with rapid returns on our investment, Alma will play a central role in advancing our members’ academic goals, by supporting research and collaboration within and between institutions.”

Mark Triest, president of Ex Libris North America, remarked: “It is a great honor to see Alma selected by the UW System for its sophisticated library network. Because the UW System will implement Alma at all institutions simultaneously, staff members throughout the consortium will come on board with Alma’s collaborative network capabilities and streamlined workflows together. We are looking forward to starting this important project and strengthening our close ties with the University of Wisconsin System.”
