19. September 2024
Aktuelles aus

In der Ausgabe 6/2024 (September 2024) lesen Sie u.a.:

  • Neue Ansätze in der Bibliometrie für Natur- und Geistes­wissenschaften
  • Wie Open Science die Gesellschaft verändert
  • Dominanz großer Wissenschaftsverlage:
    das Fortbestehen eines Oligopols
    in einer exklusiven Datenbank
  • ChatGPT und systematische Literaturrecherche
  • Publikationsprozesse in Open-Science: Wie stabil sind Scholarly Knowledge Graphs
  • Eine systematische Bewertung der Informations-, Medien- und Datenkompetenz in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken
  • ChatGPT im Test: Stärken und Schwächen von KI-Feedback in der Bildung
  • Smartphone-Nutzung 2024:
    Zwischen digitaler Abhängigkeit
    und wachsendem Problembewusstsein
  • Kuratorische Perspektiven:
    Archivierung digitaler Medien
    und Online-Inhalte in Bibliotheken
  • Bibliotheken als Vorreiter
    bei der digitalen Inklusion
Ausgabe 6 / 2023

Vergessene Frauen werden sichtbar

„In Lothars Bücherwelt walten magische Kräfte.“
Glamour Collection, Lothar Schirmer, Katalog einer Sammlung

Hingabe an die Sache des Wissens

Klaus Pringsheim aus Tokyo
Ein Wanderer zwischen den Welten

20 Jahre Malmzeit

Sonne, Mond, Sterne

Vietnam – der aufsteigende Drache

„Und ja, mein einziger Bezugspunkt
bin ich jetzt selbst“

Stiftungsrecht und Steuerrecht I Verfassungsrecht I Medizinrecht I Strafprozessrecht


ProQuest Platform’s Redesigned Interface Wins Award

Charleston Advisor says “Kudos to ProQuest” for updates and enhancements

ProQuest has won the Best Interface award in The Charleston Advisors Annual Readers’ Choice Award in recognition of its newly-enhanced ProQuest® platform.  Now in its fifteenth consecutive year, the awards identify and honor the best digital products of interest to libraries.

The newly-enhanced platform was launched in August this year following deep analysis of researcher behaviours on the platform, including extensive testing with users and librarians, beta testing with a variety of customer development partners, and large scale A/B testing.

According to The Charleston Advisor in their October 2015 edition, “It is much more intuitive and easy to use than previous versions. It includes improved document viewing, easier navigation and better ADA compliance.  Kudos to ProQuest.”

The enhanced interface makes it easier for users to complete their research tasks and is driven by the improvements to make discovery and access of ProQuest’s rich, diverse content more intuitive and effective.  The pages have been redesigned with simplified layouts that enable users to focus on the content and tools they need to complete their research tasks no matter what type of device they’re using. Screens automatically scale to the size of the user’s device and remove non-essential functionalities to ensure ease of use and access to content.

Allan Lu, ProQuest Vice President, Research Tools, Services and Platforms, said “we are committed to developing products and services to enrich our users research and learning experience and help to improve their research outcome. We are delighted to have received this award and this endorsement highlights our focus on user experience”.
