24. Januar 2025
Aktuelles aus

In der Ausgabe 9/2024 (Dezember 2024) lesen Sie u.a.:

  • Wie Suchalgorithmen und KI unsere Wahrnehmung des Klimawandels beeinflussen
  • ChatGPT liefert häufig ungenaue Quellenangaben für Verlagsinhalte
  • Ein Jahrhundert LIS-Forschung:
    Entwicklung und Trends in der Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft –
    eine szientometrische Analyse
  • Metadaten als Schlüssel für Vertrauensbildung in der Wissenschaft
  • Journal Impact Factors: Wie ChatGPT wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften beurteilt
  • KI-gestützte Literaturübersichten:
    Der nächste Schritt in der Forschungsautomatisierung
  • Gemeinsamer Fahrplan für Open Research Information: Ein Blick auf das Treffen
    an der Sorbonne in Paris
  • MINT-Expertise im Bibliothekswesen: Chancen für Open Science
  • Die Vergänglichkeit des Digitalen: Cyberangriffe auf Bibliotheken und Archive bedrohen unser kulturelles Erbe
  • Bibliotheken als Orte des Lernens
    und der Meinungsfreiheit: Eine Balance
    zwischen Ruhe und Diskurs

ProQuest OASIS Platform Enriched with Bowker Books in Print Data

Enhanced metadata will improve search, selection and acquisition for libraries

ProQuest announced the enrichment of its OASIS catalog with bibliographic information from the Bowker Books In Print service. Bowker, a ProQuest affiliate, is the world's leading provider of bibliographic information. With the enrichment of Books in Print metadata, the vast OASIS database has grown to more than 39 million print titles, 2 million electronic books and 36,000 streaming videos.

The addition of Bowker’s bibliographic data to OASIS will give librarians higher quality search results, improved linking between formats, and more accurate and consistent data for publication date, author and more. The complete Books In Print service will continue to be offered as a separate subscription for librarians who enjoy its full features – only its metadata has been incorporated into OASIS.

OASIS is a powerful collection development tool for academic libraries to find and buy print and electronic books, streaming video, DVDs and more.

"By making Bowker's Books In Print bibliographic information the preferred source of metadata for OASIS, we are using the resources available from the ProQuest portfolio to create the best products for today's librarians,” said Beat Barblan, Vice President, Publishing & Data Products at ProQuest.

"We are delighted to use the rich metadata in Books In Print to enhance OASIS,” said Audrey Marcus, Vice President, Books Product & Operations at ProQuest. “It’s part of our commitment to ongoing improvements in streamlining the collection development workflow for our customers.”

Benefits of the Books In Print enrichment in OASIS include:

  • The addition of 1.8 million Dewey and Library of Congress classifications
  • 6.7 million new titles
  • 12.7 million new or updated authors
  • Updates to 18 million book titles

With comprehensive information about books and authors, Bowker Books In Print combines the most trusted and authoritative source for bibliographic information with powerful search, discovery and collection development tools designed specifically to streamline the book discovery and acquisition process. Libraries worldwide subscribe to Books In Print to find titles and create lists for collection development. 
