16. Januar 2025
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Springer Nature and the Materials Research Society (MRS) enter publishing alliance

All journals and books in the MRS portfolio will be published in partnership with Springer Nature from January 2021


Springer Nature and the Materials Research Society (MRS) have signed a strategic new publishing agreement that will come into effect starting on 1 January 2021. At that time, the two organizations will partner to publish all five journals in the MRS portfolio—MRS Bulletin, Journal of Materials Research (JMR), MRS Communications, MRS Energy & Sustainability, and MRS Advances—as well as books. In addition, Springer Nature will host the archived content of the long-standing MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) and the MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research (MIJ-NSR).

Overall, this new alliance will build on the strong brands and reputations of both organizations, and expand the boundaries of the traditional publisher-society relationship. MRS boasts a 47-year reputation as a leader in disseminating innovative, high-quality, interdisciplinary materials research through its publications and meetings. The experience and expertise Springer Nature brings in the strategic development of society journals will ensure that the very best content and offerings in materials science and engineering reach the relevant communities worldwide.

Matt Copel, President of MRS, said: “It is with great pleasure that we join with our colleagues at Springer Nature in this publications alliance. We are excited by the enthusiasm for this cooperative relationship, with the potential for benefits to MRS that reach beyond traditional journal offerings. This alliance will allow MRS to better serve its members and the materials community, and will advance its mission and strategic aspiration to engage members across generations to advance their careers and promote materials research and innovation.”

Alison Mitchell, Chief Journals Officer at Springer Nature, said: “Springer Nature is delighted to partner with MRS to advance its mission to promote communication for the advancement of interdisciplinary materials research and technology to improve the quality of life. Springer Nature offers a rich, varied and successful materials science program that well complements the MRS portfolio and we look forward to a highly cooperative and mutually beneficial alliance that will serve MRS members and the wider materials research community. I am personally excited and immensely proud to welcome MRS to Springer Nature.”
