5. Februar 2025
Aktuelles aus

In der Ausgabe 10-2024/1-2025 (Dez. 2024/Jan. 2025) lesen Sie u.a.:

  • Open Investing in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken
  • Forschungsdaten gemeinsam gestalten: das Stabi Lab in Berlin
  • Die EU-KI-Verordnung: wegweisende Regeln für vertrauenswürdige Künstliche Intelligenz
  • Ein Balanceakt: ethisches Dilemma der KI in der Hochschulbildung
  • Ungenutztes Potenzial oder riskanter Trend? Verdeckte KI-Nutzung in wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen
  • Warum die Indizierung von zurückgezogenen Publikationen zum Problem wird
  • Klassische Medien auf dem Abstellgleis bei Jugendlichen
  • Warum Gen Z kaum noch Bücher liest
  • Zwischen Sichtbarkeit und Bedeutung: die Rolle der digitalen Kuratierung bei OpenScience während der Pandemie
  • USA: Wissenschaftliche Bibliothekare organisieren sich gegen drohende Kürzungen und den Abbau öffentlicher Bildung unter der kommenden Trump-Administration
  • Makerspaces: kreative Lernräume in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken
  • Wie KI antike Texte lesbar macht
  • Fachzeitschriften von Massenrücktritten der Redaktionen betroffen

Bookeye® 5 Scanner Family at IFLA in Rotterdam

After overcoming the global pandemic, an increased demand for digitization has emerged. Answering this increased demand, Image Access is particularly pleased to present our digitization solutions at this year`s IFLA conference. The corresponding exhibition will be held in Rotterdam, open from Monday, August 21 through Thursday the 24th.

Image Access will display the full range of brand new Bookeye® book scanning solutions at our booth A9. The Bookeye 5 generation will be on display at the IFLA Congress in various sizes and models.

© Image Access GmbH
Bookeye® 5 V3 + Bookeye® 5 V2S Semiautomatic

The Bookeye® 5 V3 Kiosk is a handy and smart alternative to copiers. You can even use this self-service system for scanning directly to your mobile devices.

An even more performant system is the Bookeye® 5 V2S Semiautomatic with its motor driven glass plate. The Bookeye 5 V2S Semiautomatic can also scan either in V-shape or in a horizontal position.

The Bookeye® 5 V2 Archive is a true production scanner. This versatile system is perfect when high quality and maximum productivity scanning in combination with the gentle treatment of books is required. The unique self-adjusting book cradle solution allows scanning either at a 120 degree angle or in horizontal mode.

Finally, we are happy to present the Bookeye® 5 V1A model, a scanner for larger material such as bound newspapers. This scanner‘s book cradle supports fully opened books at 180°, with or without the glass plate, as well as partially opened books via its V-shaped book cradle, all in one device.

As you can see, there are so many good reasons to visit Image Access at IFLA. We are looking forward to welcoming you in the Netherlands, Rotterdam, at our booth!

www.imageaccess.de or www.imageaccess.us