20. Januar 2025
Aktuelles aus

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Fake-publications in science:
a rising concern of knowledge pollution

Bernhard A. Sabel, PhD, Professor of Medical Psychology
Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany
Oct 9, 2024, 15:30-17:00 (CEST)
Stockholm University
Greta Arwidssons väg 14
House 4, Lecture room 22

To join on zoom: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/65028960666

‘Fact or Fake in Science?´ The biggest scientific fraud of all time is rolling over us like an avalanche. Largely unnoticed! The estimate is hundreds of thousands ‘fake publications’ are fabricated every year with the help of artificial intelligence by an international and greedy Fake Mafia. Their customers are unscrupulous scientists who are under enormous pressure to publish in order to scam bonus payments or promotions.

So called “Paper mills” disguise themselves as ‘editing agencies’ and publicly advertise the sale of fake authorships, fake data, fake images and illustrations, and – “no problem” -complete fake manuscripts. They are supported by fake reviewers, fake or bribed journal editors, predatory journals and their publishers.

It is a highly profitable, fraudulent mafia-network full of tricks, lies, plagiarism and corruption. The lecture will not only expose the perfidious machinations of this fake mafia, but it also describes the incalculable consequences of fake science for fundamental areas of our modern lives, including biomedicine, technology, economy, the environment, and national security. We need to put an end to the activities of this fake science mafia. It's high time to wake up.

Welcome address:
Prof. Dan Larhammar, Uppsala University
Past-President, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and Member of Nobel-Committee

Prof. John Axelsson, Dept. Psychology, Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet