20. Januar 2025
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Society of American Foresters chooses Springer Nature
as its new publishing partner for its suite of journals

Forest Science and Journal of Forestry will complement
the publisher’s growing number of journals focused on sustainability

Springer Nature has become the new publishing partner for the Society of American Foresters’ (SAF) eminent titles – Journal of Forestry and Forest Science. The two hybrid journals join the publisher’s portfolio of around 3,000 titles, where authors publishing OA benefit from the highest usage and engagement of their work. This new partnership builds on Springer Nature and SAF’s commitment to disseminating innovative, high-quality, interdisciplinary research that can advance knowledge around some of the worlds’ most pressing issues.

Mireille Yanow, Director, Society and Partners, Springer Nature said:

“Springer Nature offers a rich and varied portfolio of journals that compliments the SAF’s eminent forestry titles. Sustainable responsibility is a key focus of ours. Since 2015, we have published more than 940,000 articles and book chapters with sustainable development goals (SDG) -related content, providing evidence-based knowledge to support decisions made by policy makers, business leaders and practitioners. We are delighted to be partnering with SAF to continue their mission to publish high quality research helping to address the world’s urgent challenges.”

Established in 1900, SAF represents over 9,000 forestry and natural resources professionals. Forest Science and the Journal of Forestry, provide key platforms through which to advance knowledge around sustainable management of forest resources. The first issues of each title with Springer Nature will publish in February 2025.

Terry Baker, CEO, Society of American Foresters commented:

“We are excited by the enthusiasm for this cooperative relationship. Through this partnership and the growth that Springer Nature can offer us globally, we will be able to build on the work we have been doing since the early 1900s: advancing sustainable management of forest resources through science, technology and education to promote professional excellence. We look forward to bringing additional benefits to our researchers, that come from a partnership with a global publisher and supporting the continued impact of our two longstanding titles.”

Submissions are now open. More information on each title can be found on their homepages here and here. More information about Springer Nature’s partnerships with societies can be found here, and its commitment and progress as a publisher in its Annual Progress, Sustainable business and OA reports.
