25. Januar 2025
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Karger Publishers Expands Its Open Access Portfolio
with New Journal for Maternal and Children’s Health

Introducing Maternal and Children’s Health, Karger’s latest Open Access journal. The new peer-reviewed journal will focus on research in the periconceptional, perinatal, and neonatal periods of pregnancy, and on the development of the child to emerging adulthood and beyond.

Karger Publishers’ new Open Access journal Maternal and Children’s Health features original research and reviews reporting on the dynamic interplay between genes, environments, and developmental time covering the whole period from preconception to adulthood. Research grounded in multiple streams of investigation and focused on country-specific policies and interventions about health promotion and disease prevention for maternal and children’s health is of particular interest.

Addressing the Growing Demand
The distinguished Editors-in-Chief are Elaine Boyle, Professor of Neonatal Medicine, University of Leicester (United Kingdom), and Gian Carlo Di Renzo, Professor of Obstetrics, Maternal Fetal Medicine and Gynecology, and Coordinator of the Reproductive and Perinatal Medicine Research Center at the University of Perugia (Italy).

“Maternal and Children’s Health will address the growing demand for research on country-specific pre-pregnancy, gestation and post-pregnancy phases along with their developmental effects on diseases from infancy up to adult life,” states co-Editor-in-Chief Professor Gian Carlo Di Renzo.

“Launching this Open Access journal focusing on a global and interdisciplinary approach to maternal and children’s health aligns perfectly with Karger’s core mission to connect people and science,” says Christna Chap, Head of Editorial Development at Karger Publishers.

In line with the terms of Karger’s Open Access agreements, institutions with a Transformative Agreement may cover their authors’ Article Processing Charges (APC), so eligible authors can easily publish in this journal at no cost to them. Authors can find out if their institutions have an agreement with us here: Karger Transformative Agreements.
