14. Oktober 2024
Aktuelles aus

In der Ausgabe 7/2024 (Oktober 2024) lesen Sie u.a.:

  • Zeitschriftennutzung in Bibliotheken: Download-Konzentration und Open Access
  • Open Access killed the Journal Star?
  • Fehlende Trans­pa­renz und Regelungen beim Einsatz von KI-Chatbots in wissenschaftlichen Verlagen
  • AI Literacy: Kompetenzmodell verstehen
    und verantwortungsvoll nutzen
  • Dein neuer Kollege KI – Freund oder Feind?
  • KI-Agents: Informationsbeschaffung
    der Zukunft
  • KI-Revolution in Bibliotheken:
    Neues Framework für AI Literacy gefordert
  • IFLA Trend Report 2024: Globale Trends
    und ihre Auswirkungen auf Bibliotheken
  • Die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen des
    E-Lending in Öffentlichen Bibliotheken
    auf den Publikumsmarkt
  • Wenn Bibliotheken im Dunkeln stehen
  • Frei von Zwängen:
    MIT-Bibliotheken erfolgreich ohne Elsevier
Ausgabe 6 / 2023

Vergessene Frauen werden sichtbar

„In Lothars Bücherwelt walten magische Kräfte.“
Glamour Collection, Lothar Schirmer, Katalog einer Sammlung

Hingabe an die Sache des Wissens

Klaus Pringsheim aus Tokyo
Ein Wanderer zwischen den Welten

20 Jahre Malmzeit

Sonne, Mond, Sterne

Vietnam – der aufsteigende Drache

„Und ja, mein einziger Bezugspunkt
bin ich jetzt selbst“

Stiftungsrecht und Steuerrecht I Verfassungsrecht I Medizinrecht I Strafprozessrecht


Oxford University Press partners with the Physical Society of Japan
to publish Progress in Theoretical and Experimental Physics

Oxford University Press (OUP) and the Physical Society of Japan are pleased to announce that they will be working together to publish Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (PTEP).  This international title will be a fully open access, online-only journal, publishing articles on theoretical and experimental physics.

“The publication of Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics represents an important step in the strategic development of our journal publishing in the physical sciences”, said Ian Russell, Editorial Director for Science at Oxford University Press.  “We have a formidable presence in the physics book publishing world and our partnership with the Physical Society of Japan will allow us to further cement our position as the leading press in this field.”

Yoshio Kuramoto, President of the Physical Society of Japan, said: “This is the first international collaboration for the society on the publication of scientific journals. The emphasis of PTEP is on particle, nuclear, and astrophysics.  We expect PTEP will grow hand in hand with our sister journal, the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.”

PTEP will be the successor title to Progress of Theoretical Physics currently published jointly by the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Physical Society of Japan. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics will publish monthly from 2012, and Progress of Theoretical Physics will be merged into PTEP in January 2013.

Editor-in-Chief, Norisuke Sakai said: “The new publication of PTEP as a fully open-access journal will strengthen the long-standing tradition of Progress of Theoretical Physics by broadening its scope to include experimental as well as theoretical physics. OUP’s extensive experience in open access publishing will be a great support in making the journal successful. We look forward to continuing to contribute to the international community of physicists.” 

PTEP mainly covers areas including particles and fields, nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology, beam physics and instrumentation, and general and mathematical physics. For more information about the journal, article submission guidelines, and how to register for free content-alerting services, please visit: www.ptep.oxfordjournals.org