13. Januar 2025
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In der Ausgabe 9/2024 (Dezember 2024) lesen Sie u.a.:

  • Wie Suchalgorithmen und KI unsere Wahrnehmung des Klimawandels beeinflussen
  • ChatGPT liefert häufig ungenaue Quellenangaben für Verlagsinhalte
  • Ein Jahrhundert LIS-Forschung:
    Entwicklung und Trends in der Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft –
    eine szientometrische Analyse
  • Metadaten als Schlüssel für Vertrauensbildung in der Wissenschaft
  • Journal Impact Factors: Wie ChatGPT wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften beurteilt
  • KI-gestützte Literaturübersichten:
    Der nächste Schritt in der Forschungsautomatisierung
  • Gemeinsamer Fahrplan für Open Research Information: Ein Blick auf das Treffen
    an der Sorbonne in Paris
  • MINT-Expertise im Bibliothekswesen: Chancen für Open Science
  • Die Vergänglichkeit des Digitalen: Cyberangriffe auf Bibliotheken und Archive bedrohen unser kulturelles Erbe
  • Bibliotheken als Orte des Lernens
    und der Meinungsfreiheit: Eine Balance
    zwischen Ruhe und Diskurs

ProQuest’s MLA International Bibliography Named Choice Outstanding Academic Title

Reviewers applaud clean design and clarity for novice users

Scholars of literature have multiple options for accessing the Modern Language Association International Bibliography (MLAIB) database, but only ProQuest’s delivery of the essential tool through its newly redesigned literature platform has been named to Choice’s selection of Outstanding Academic Titles for 2016. Choice says the annual list “reflects the best in scholarly titles reviewed by Choice and brings with it the extraordinary recognition of the academic library community.”

The redesigned ProQuest® platform for MLAIB simplifies the user experience by eliminating distractions. The change caught the attention of Choice reviewers, who note the ProQuest platform is “cleanly designed” and provides “an even clearer breakdown of subject headings for novice users.” Reviewers also like ProQuest’s inclusion of MLA Directory of Periodicals, which provides submission guidelines and publisher information for over 6,000 indexed journals and series.

“This award affirms our commitment to providing scholars with a robust, comprehensive, integrated research experience,” said Stephen Rhind-Tutt, President, Alexander Street. “We are honored that the Choice editors recognize the strengths of delivery through the ProQuest platform.”

The MLAIB is a leading annual bibliography of books and articles on modern languages and literatures, linguistics, folklore, and other related topics produced since 1921. Coverage includes literature from all over the world – Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North and South America. Linguistics and language materials include history and theory of linguistics, comparative linguistics, semantics, stylistics, syntax and translation.

When used with the Literature Online® database, the MLAIB can be cross-searched with a curated collection of more than 420 literature journals; 350,000 primary works; 6,000 author biographies and other specialist literary criticism and reference resources as well as the complementary Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL).
